Thoughts from our overseas customers who have purchased Tatami mats
You may think that the use of Tatami mats is a custom unique to Japan, but a growing number of households in America, Europe and Singapore have discovered a love for Tatami.
The most common use for Tatami mats is using them to place a futon to sleep on.
You may have been under the impression that only Japanese people enjoy the scent of soft rush, but we were pleased to see our overseas customers tells us how much they enjoy the scent.
One customer told us that they ordered a tatami mat because they had been meditating on wood flooring, and it was too hard and uncomfortable.
Another customer told us that they used the Tatami mat to place a futon when one of their guests needed a place to sleep.
Impressions of customers who purchased Tatami
Q1. Before ordering tatami mats from our company, what kinds of concerns or troubles did you have? What was your desired solution to them?
A) I have beautiful hardwood floors and wanted to sit on the floor 100% of the time on meditation cushions, but the hardwood was too uncomfortable. I did not want rugs that collected dust and allergens.
Q2. How did you find out about our tatami mats? (keyword searches, SNS, introduction by other parties, etc.)
A)Google search
Q3. After finding out about our tatami mats, did you consider applying immediately?
Q4. What points (which characteristics) were the deciding factors which led to your order?
A)Incredible responses and communications from tatami maker, and little gestures of goodwill, like sending samples for free.
Q5. After actually using our tatami mats, what are your thoughts and feelings on them? Please provide your honest impressions.
A)I think they are fantastic. I will definitely order more if needed. They are soft, attractive, the smell of the Igusa is wonderful, and they are so easy to clean. They are lightweight as well and easy to rearrange or move. For instance, if a guest is spending the night, I can let them take the futon mattress and I can move a few tatami mat squares into the other room and sleep comfortably on them overnight.

[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]