Classic Series Customer case Review

A customer in Massachusetts gave us feedback about our Tatami. Thank you!

We are glad that you like tatami mats!

It would be my pleasure. Please find attached four pictures before placing tatami mats, and four pictures after placing tatami mats in my office. Now it is a much more calming and relaxing space to work, I absolutely love them!




The types of Tatami

Classic black-heri Igusa Akebono Long

The number of Tatami mats

3 mats

Your region (country) of residence


Q1. Before ordering tatami mats from our company, what kinds of concerns or troubles did you have? What was your desired solution to them?

Concerns: Whether the fragrance of the tatami would be similar to when I lived in Sendai, and whether everything was all natural 国産 materials. Luckily, I reached out to TATAMISER, and it was! The Classic series was exactly what I was looking for.

Q2. How did you find out about our tatami mats? (keyword searches, SNS, introduction by other parties, etc.)

Keyword searches and good reviews

Q3. After finding out about our tatami mats, did you consider applying immediately?

Yes, though I did reach out to TATAMISER with some questions and waited about 2 months in the end.

Q4. What points (which characteristics) were the deciding factors which led to your order?

Natural igusa, fragrance of igusa/sendo, local products, look & quality

Q5. After actually using our tatami mats, what are your thoughts and feelings on them? Please provide your honest impressions.

I am delighted with the tatami mats! The feeling of igusa under my feet and the aroma of igusa/sendo make my office such a more relaxing place to work, and the smell takes me back to my brief time living in Sendai to my old apartment. In that way, it is very nostalgic and pleasant to come to work each day now.

TOKYO TATAMI MAKER delivers Tatami made in Japan to countries all over the world.

Our tatamis are made in Japan using domestic materials.

Not only a standard size, but also you can order a custom size Tatami mat.

It is a free estimate. Please feel free to ask us.


Measuring the room

[ YouYube ]
Let’s sleep with shikibuton on tatami.

[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]
Classic Series



How to order custom-made tatamimat.