Turning Your Living Room Into A Relaxation Space With Ryukyu Tatami
Customers can now turn their wooden floor rooms into a room laid with Ryukyu Tatami mats in a DYI manner.
To do so, customers will first have to measure the size of their room. Once the sizes are measured, our company will manufacture and adjust the size of the tatami mats accordingly.
The tatami mats will be ready for delivered after one week since the day of order. The tatami mats will then be delivered to customers via shipping services such as DHL.
Once the tatami mats have been delivered, customers can then cover their rooms with tatami mats by themselves.
A Western-style Wooden Floor Compartment Lying Next To A Traditional Japanese Living Room
With its appropriate softness, the tatami mats will turn any space into a safe space for children to play. In addition, customers can lay mattresses and enjoy a quiet night and a sound sleep with their loved ones.
Manufacturing The Tatami
To order the tatami mats, customers will need to measure their room’s size. The mats will then be manufactured with a millimeter-precision.
For this order, the room’s size was 245cm × 245cm. Even though the room’s size was a round figure, making it easy to manufacture the mats, at our company, all the tatami mats are manufactured with a millimeter-precision, making it easy to adjust and manufacture the mats for uneven sizes such as 245.3cm or 245.8cm.
Calculating from the ordered size, this room needed a total of 9 tatami mats.
Customers can lay the tatami mats by themselves by following the diagram above.
The directional arrows in the diagram above specify the directions of the tatami mats.
Even though the tatami mats are similar in color, by laying them in different directions, customers can easily create a dichromatic effect using the difference in light reflection.
This laying method is called Ichimatsu Laying. All the rooms, as seen in our company’s photos employ this laying method. Through Ichimatsu Laying, the laid tatami mats will create a dichromatic effect with two seemingly different colors, one lighter and one darker. In reality, the mats are of a similar color.

All of our company’s tatami mats are manufactured such that they can easily be laid out while retaining the mats’ solid feelings.
All the tatami mats are manufactured to be half-sized. This helps to make the mats lighter and easier to be laid. In addition, all the mats are manufactured such that their backs are slip resistance. The mats are allocated and adjusted such that they will fit perfectly in your rooms.
Do not hesitate to contact us to have your next room beautifully laid with tatami mats.
100% Authentic Tatami. Made in Japan.
Free shipping in continental United States.
Purpose of use
Renovation from Western style room to Japanese style room
Put tatami on the flooring
This product is explained in detail on the website.
[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]