custom size tatamimat Customer case TATAMIMAT[

Ryukyu tatami mats on a camping car. A cool Japanese-style room on the wheels!

A light truck camper that is often seen in Japan recently.

Putting a tatami mat in the living space of the camper changes it to a vehicle in the Japanese image.

Mostly they have a cushioned floor before the tatami mat is set. Or maybe tiles?

In any case, if the surface is smooth, the anti-slip coat on the back of the tatami mat will be effective.

All you have to do is to just line up the prepared tatami mats.

After that, just lay the tatami that arrived!

It’s completed in just one minute!

It’s as if a Japanese-style room on the wheels.

I feel like spreading a futon and sleeping on it.

Will it be a tea room on the move?? Or a study? It became a very exciting car!

The car smells of the rush weed. It’s a camping car that is unique to Japan.
People who like tatami will be pleased.

The customer’s camper showed the possibilities of the tatami.

I would like to go on a journey with this car ~.

[Customer impressions]

I felt it was perfectly done to the dimensions I specified.

Where there was a little gap which I closed by buying some timber at the home center.

I had a plan for the exhibition tomorrow so I am relieved that it was done on time.

For the job of vehicle creation in the Japanese image, there were no existing products with the right dimensions, so it had to be order-made. And it was a success!

I would like to request again if there is an order from the customer.

Reform contents

Japanese-style specification for campers


Igusa Akebono 6 Mats Set


[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]
Classic Series



How to order custom-made tatamimat.