Customer case tokyo sereies

Tokyo Akita Brown Customer Case Kanagawa Prefecture

It is rainy last night in Osaka from last night.

Today we will introduce your lovely room.

Kanagawa Prefecture

type of tatamimat :TOKYO SERIES

Tokyo Akita Brown 12 Mats Set

Brown is calm and bright, so it is very nice.

If you put the massage chair on the right directly on the tatami mat, the tatami will be dented.

It will be alleviated if you lay it across a board or mat.

If it gets dented, I think that you can hit a steamed towel in about 3 minutes.


type of tatamimat :TOKYO SERIES

Tokyo Akita Brown 12 Mats Set

[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]
Classic Series



How to order custom-made tatamimat.