A customer in the Alabama, USA answered our questionnaire about our Tatami. Thank you!
Type of tatami facing: IGUSA
Room size: 131 ” × 137 “
Tatami size: 32.75 ” × 34.25 ” × 0.6 ” 16 mats
Place (area) of residence
Alabama, USA

– We make tatami mats that can create a checkered pattern.
(As shown in the images on the website, a checkered pattern is created
when tatami mats are arranged alternately based on the direction of
the igusa or rush grass to make it look like two colors are present.)
Q1. Before ordering tatami mats from our company, what kinds of concerns or troubles did you have? What was your desired solution to them?
I wanted to decorate my traditional American style dining room in Japanese style. The floors are all hardware and I thought tatami flooring would be perfect with Japanese style furniture.
Q2. How did you find out about our tatami mats? (keyword searches, SNS, introduction by other parties, etc.)
Word searches online by looking for authentic Japanese tatami from Japan.
Q3. After finding out about our tatami mats, did you consider applying immediately?
Yes, after exchanging several emails with your excellent customer service staff and learning about the high degree of service.
Q4. What points (which characteristics) were the deciding factors which led to your order?
Prompt responses to questions, the drawing supplied to me for my room layout and wonderful customer service by your excellent staff. Also your shipping of product was excellent!
Q5. After actually using our tatami mats, what are your thoughts and feelings on them? Please provide your honest impressions.
The mats are just as described online and are excellent quality. However, I did.have one mat with a dark spot it about 1,5 cm in diameter.
Q6. Any other opinions or views you would like to share with us
I would order again in the future and I would highly recommend this product and company for sales even to my USA colleagues. I will provide another picture when I have all of the room decorated.
TOKYO TATAMI MAKER delivers Tatami made in Japan to countries all over the world.
Our tatamis are made in Japan using domestic materials.
Not only a standard size, but also you can order a custom size Tatami mat.
It is a free estimate. Please feel free to ask us.
Measuring the room
[ YouYube ]
Let’s sleep with shikibuton on tatami.
Caution when sleeping on a futon on tatami mats
Here is a tip to avoid mildew from developing. When you use futon as a sleeping cushion on tatami mats, make sure that you fold it every time you have risen and do not leave it spread out on.
It is also advisable to air futon regularly to get it dried.
In Japan with high humidity, we do not leave futon spread out.
If you make it a habit to fold it after use and air out your room at right intervals, you do not get any mildew.

Click here for the form for inquiries about placing orders for tatami sizes.
Click here for samples of tatami mat surfaces.
Click here for the page on this product.
[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]