A customer in Ontario, Canada sent us the photo showing the room using our Tatami mats. Thank you!
The types of Tatami
Region (country) of residence
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Q1. Before ordering tatami mats from our company, what kinds of concerns or troubles did you have? What was your desired solution to them?
How to secure it to the floor and how do the mats fit in the room? – ended up building a custom raised floor frame. Can they withstand the dogs? – don’t let the dogs onto it. What are differences between different types of mats? – I wish there’s a quick chart that describes the differences.
Q2. How did you find out about our tatami mats? (keyword searches, SNS, introduction by other parties, etc.)
Google, it helps that your store has social media presence to check the products
Q3. After finding out about our tatami mats, did you consider applying immediately?
No, I had to compare prices between a number of suppliers, and plan how to fit it into my room.
Q4. What points (which characteristics) were the deciding factors which led to your order?
colour availability, shipping to canada, modular sizes
Q5. After actually using our tatami mats, what are your thoughts and feelings on them? Please provide your honest impressions.
so far looks and feels like good quality product, packaging was great and there were no damages.

TOKYO TATAMI MAKER delivers Tatami made in Japan to countries all over the world.
Our tatamis are made in Japan using domestic materials.
Not only a standard size, but also you can order a custom size Tatami mat.
It is a free estimate. Please feel free to ask us.
Customer’s Voice
Sending you a photo of my finished basement room with the tatami mats. I made a custom raised floor box for it so that it fits in the space perfectly.

Tokyo Kawaii Pink(Checkered Pattern)

Tokyo Natural
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Measuring the room
The prices for the products noted on our website include the cost of
shipping from Japan
The mats will be sent by DHL or FedEx within one week of the order reception,
and arrive in the United States two or three days later.
[ Cases of tatami mat use by our customers ]